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Epic Obit Celebrates the Life of a Veggie-Hating Southern Gentleman



This Georgia man’s obituary is a prime example of how to properly honor a fulfilling life

William “Freddie” McCollough’s obituary, published in the Savannah Morning News on Sept. 14, opened with a lofty introduction: “The man. The myth. The legend. Men wanted to be him and women wanted to be with him.”

It goes on to pay homage to the life of what seems like a very interesting Southern gentleman

Before his death on Sept. 11 at age 61, McCollough reportedly lived an exciting life, full of beautiful women, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and Jim Beam whiskey. He distanced himself from vegetables and hypocrites, instead enjoying the simpler things, such as eating deep-fried Southern food “smothered in cane syrup” and watching Two and a Half Men. Read more…

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