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Ellie Goulding Gives Justin Timberlake’s ‘Mirrors’ a Soulful Twist



British singer-songwriter Ellie Goulding recently covered Justin Timberlake’s hit song “Mirrors” for BBC Radio 1’s Live Lounge and the rendition is nothing short of soulful

Goulding stripped down the tune, swapping Timberlake’s steady dance beats for piano melodies and backup vocals. Goulding’s raspy voice adds a new edge to the pop song that will make you want to dance and cry simultaneously (we won’t judge if you do)

Mirrors” was Timberlake’s second single off of The 20/20 Experience. The song peaked at number five on the U.S. Billboard chart. It scored JT the Video of the Year honors at MTV’s Video Music Awards in August. Read more…

More about Music, Entertainment, Justin Timberlake, Covers, and Cover Song

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