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Edgertronic Kickstarter Project Makes Super Slow-Mo Video More Portable, Convenient And Affordable


Apple may have just introduced a very cool new Slo-Mo video feature with the iPhone 5s, but it only scratches the surface in terms of what’s possible with high-speed video. A new Kickstarter project wants to take extreme slow motion more mainstream, with a camera design called the ‘edgertronic’ that’s both compact and capable of capturing video at extremely high frame rates.

High-speed cameras currently available are both expensive and relatively bulky. They can cost upwards of $10,000, and are often the size of fairly large camcorders at best. But the edgertronic prototype will cost backers just under $5K, and the design is remarkably small – not too much bigger than a GoPro in fact.

The camera can capture footage at a maximum of 17,791fps, but at that incredible speed resolution will be limited to 192

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