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‘Drake-ing Bad’ Tumblr Is the Best You Ever Had



Drake visits the meth-slinging streets of Albuquerque for a new Tumblr called “Drake-ing Bad.”

The unlikely pop culture mashup comes from artist Shea Serrano, who illustrates the Young Money rapper into scenes from Breaking Bad

Serrano — whose other work includes the upcoming Bun B’s Rap Coloring and Activity Book — told Mashable that a friend, Barry Schwartz, came up with the initial idea, and approached him to work on the illustrations

“I thought it was the dumbest thing of all, which is to say that I loved it immediately,” Serrano said. “He came to me with the idea because I made the rap coloring book, so he knew that I knew how to draw. I sketched up one and sent it over, and after that, we were a go. He was the brain. I’m just the legs.” Read more…

More about Pics, Tumblr, Drake, Tv, and Watercooler

Read more : ‘Drake-ing Bad’ Tumblr Is the Best You Ever Had

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