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Does Your Business Need a Full-Time Social Media Team?



While some small business owners need convincing that social media can help their businesses, Steve Acree doesn’t have any doubts. He doesn’t have any time, either.

Acree, founder and owner of Memphis, Tenn.-based Seismic Audio, says he and his staffers went whole hog on social media for two weeks in August, but soon realized that the time-consuming strategy compromised their regular workload. “I found myself late to some meetings because I was trying to write a post or find a picture to post,” Acree says. “It was much more of a time commitment than I originally thought.”

The fortnight of frenetic activity reaped some benefits. When we checked in with Seismic a month ago, the brand had around 70,000 fans. Now it has 73,000. The brand also picked up 150 Twitter followers, about two-thirds of which are “legit,” Acree says. “We were tickled.” Read more…

More about Features, Social Marketing, Business, Marketing, and Small Business

Read more : Does Your Business Need a Full-Time Social Media Team?

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