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Conan O’Brien’s LinkedIn Page Is Just as Good as You’d Hope



Conan O’Brien has built up massive followings on Twitter, Facebook and Google+, but now the late night host has his sights set on “conquering” a new social network: LinkedIn.

During Thursday night’s episode of Conan, O’Brien revealed that he had created a LinkedIn profile page and was dedicating himself to building up a following on the network. “While other celebrities spend their time trying to get more Twitter followers and Facebook Likes, I decided just a few hours ago that I am going to conquer LinkedIn,” O’Brien said. “Here’s the only problem: I don’t know what LinkedIn … I’ve never been on the site.” Read more…

More about Linkedin, Conan O Brien, and Business

Read more : Conan O’Brien’s LinkedIn Page Is Just as Good as You’d Hope

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