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California Bill Gives Electronic License Plates the Green Light



While forward-thinking drivers are considering the implications of supercharging stations for their Tesla vehicles and the impending arrival of Google’s driverless cars, another, far more personal technological development is coming to roads in California. A bill allowing the use of electronic license plates passed the state’s assembly last week, and is slated to be signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown

What makes the electronic license plate so groundbreaking is that it lets the California government remotely post alerts on a license plate to indicate whether the driver of the vehicle is uninsured, or if their driver’s license has been suspended. The new plates would also allow authorities to post an Amber Alert across the screen, and even a “stolen” notice on the plate in the event the vehicle is illegally taken from its owner. Read more…

More about Driving, License Plates, Tech, Gadgets, and Mobile

Read more : California Bill Gives Electronic License Plates the Green Light

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