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Burberry Uses Slow Motion on iPhone 5S to Dazzling Effect



You don’t have to wait to receive the new iPhone 5S to check out its new slow-motion mode. Just turn to Burberry’s Instagram feed. Apple lent the British fashion house the device to capture its pastel-colored Spring/Summer 2014 collection show as part of a cross-promotional partnership.

The 15-second video received more than 20,000 Instagram “hearts” in a single day

Burberry uploaded several more images using the iPhone 5S, including this impressively crisp action shot. Other images, like this backstage shot of model Jourdan Dunn, were grainier, underlining the phone’s low light limitations. Read more…

More about Apple, Burberry, Instagram, Business, and Marketing

Read more : Burberry Uses Slow Motion on iPhone 5S to Dazzling Effect

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