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Brazilian Hacker Hits 14 NASA Websites



Starting last Tuesday, 14 subdomains of NASA went down

One of them, dedicated to the Kepler mission that searches for habitable exoplanets, had an announcement posted that read, “Down for Maintenance: The requested webpage is down for maintenance. Please try again later.”

As Naked Security noted, these websites are all hosted in the heart of Silicon Valley. Although NASA is a high-profile hacking target, CWZ CyberCrime maintains the agency “is now more famous for its poor cyber security rather than anything else.”

An exaggeration, though maybe not from the security point of view

Earlier-known security problems include the exposure of the algorithms used to command and control the International Space Station. Data on the agency’s Constellation and Orion programs were leaked, as was personal information on thousands of NASA employees. Twice Read more…

More about Brazil, Nasa, Obama, Hacker, and Syria

Read more : Brazilian Hacker Hits 14 NASA Websites

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