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Bing updates video search in the UK with instant previews, more clip info and tweaked lightbox player

black box 4 014106C9 Bing updates video search in the UK with instant previews, more clip info and tweaked lightbox player
Bing is rolling out a new design for video search results in the UK today, adding larger and higher resolution previews that start as soon as you roll your cursor over them.

The new navigation was launched in the US earlier this month and packs in some additional information with each thumbnail, such as view counts, channel name and a brief description. In addition, a new video overlay automatically queues the others clips listed in your search results.

New Bing Video Experience Lets You Browse the Best Video on the Web (Via PocketLint)

Read more : Bing updates video search in the UK with instant previews, more clip info and tweaked lightbox player

Posted in Android, Apple, Elgg, Freelancing, Podcasts, Popular, Web, Web Design, World.

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