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Beijing Calls Fears Over Internet Crackdown ‘Paranoia’



In China, “people enjoy full freedom on the Internet,” an official from the Ministry of Information told Indian reporters during a visit to Mumbai this week, according to DNA, a news outlet in India. “The perception that the government has placed any restrictions on the Internet is untrue,” he said, adding that China’s media had the same freedom as any others, except they must “avoid fabrication of stories” and “be socially responsible by not aggravating any issue.”

The reassurances come as Beijing has embarked on a widespread crackdown on information on the Internet, including the detention of several high-profile online commentators, known as Big Vs, and the threat of jail time for authors of posts that are untrue if they’re widely viewed or shared. Read more…

More about China, Internet, Internet Access, Government Censorship, and Us World

Read more : Beijing Calls Fears Over Internet Crackdown ‘Paranoia’

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