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Beer, Pizza, And Romance At The Disrupt SF Hackathon

midnight hackathon

It’s after midnight at TechCrunch’s Disrupt SF Hackathon — Ryan Lawler and I just walked the floor, interviewing teams about their experience and the (maybe, hopefully) amazing projects that they’re building.

Given the time, it’s not surprising that some of the folks we interviewed were feeling a little tired, but even so, most of them planned to stick it out for the night. They were all good sports about putting up with our questions.

And yes, we did give out beer and pizza to the brave souls who were still around. The beer may explain some of the goofiness, not to mention the amazing dancing, but the surprise at the end? That, ladies and gentlemen, is pure love.

Read more : Beer, Pizza, And Romance At The Disrupt SF Hackathon

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