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Batman Goes Old School in ‘The Dark Knight’ 8-Bit Remake



Holy 8-bit revamp, Batman. The Caped Crusader and Joker battle old-school video game style for a new take on The Dark Knight.

The latest video from CineFix‘s “8-Bit Cinema” series recreates the enormously popular Batman flick in the style of old-school video games. The video shows Batman tirelessly working to defeat the Joker, all with a musical backdrop that recreates the film’s original soundtrack in a Nintendo-style.

The short clip takes audiences through the film’s entire plot — warning: spoilers ahead — from the Joker’s bank robbery to Harvey Dent’s death at the hands of the Caped Crusader. Read more…

More about Youtube, Viral Videos, Batman, The Dark Knight, and Nintendo

Read more : Batman Goes Old School in ‘The Dark Knight’ 8-Bit Remake

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