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Baby-Monitor App Syncs an iPhone to Your Android



Battling it out over mobile-operating systems is now a thing of the past — at least in the baby-monitoring world. The Baby Monitor AV app allows you to use both iOS and Android systems to help monitor your baby.

With the app, users designate one device — iOS or Android — as the camera and microphone for the baby’s room. The other device becomes the parent station and allows you to see and hear what is going on in the nursery. You can also designate your computer as one of the stations if you download the free software.

The interoperability of this app is its greatest feature. It doesn’t have a lot of the fancier monitoring capabilities of other apps on the market, such as night vision or a “Do Not Disturb” mode, but the simple fact that you don’t need two devices on the same platform is a big perk –- especially if your babysitter doesn’t have the same type of smartphone Read more…

More about Apps, Iphone, Android, Iphone App Store, and Baby

Read more : Baby-Monitor App Syncs an iPhone to Your Android

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