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Ask A VC: Trinity Ventures’ Patricia Nakache On The Secret To Zulily’s Success And More


It’s time for another episode of Ask A VC, where we grill VCs in the TCTV studio! This week, Trinity Ventures’ Patricia Nakache joined us to chat about e-commerce, marketplaces and much more.

Nakache, who via Trinity has backed a number of e-commerce companies such as Beachmint, ThredUp and others, talked about the secret to Zulily’s (a Trinity-backed company) success. At its last funding round, the flash sales site for moms was valued at $1 billion.

We also chatted about the biggest change Nakache has observed in the VC world over the past 14 years. Check out the video above for more.

Read more : Ask A VC: Trinity Ventures’ Patricia Nakache On The Secret To Zulily’s Success And More

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