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Apple Customer Service Slows During Launch Times — But Not by Much



If you’re thinking of bypassing the long lines at Apple stores next week to get an iPhone 5S or iPhone 5C, you may want to consider ordering over the phone.

According to new research, Apple does a better job of fielding customer questions and placing phone orders during product-launch times than the industry average

StellaService, which looks at online and telephone-based customer service at nationwide retailers, released data surrounding Apple’s last two major launches (the iPad mini and the iPhone 5 in 2012), and looked at how they compared to wait times during the rest of the year. The findings showed customer-service wait times and shipping took longer than usual during product-launch periods — but not by much Read more…

More about Iphone, Apple, Customer Service, Ipad, and Iphone 5

Read more : Apple Customer Service Slows During Launch Times — But Not by Much

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