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Announcing the Finalists for The Mashies Awards



Social media has revolutionized the field of marketing. With the rise of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest, consumers’ roles have shifted from observers to brand advocates, which means that marketers’ jobs have changed.

Yet only the best marketers have the chops to dazzle in the digital space. The winners of the inaugural Mashies awards, honoring the best in marketing, represent the most creative and compelling content we’ve seen


We were wowed by the work submitted by the innovators and thought leaders of the marketing world, and we can’t wait to reveal the winners. But don’t think we’ll tell you who won just yet — the winners will be revealed at an award ceremony at New York’s Altman Building on Oct. 10. Read more…

More about Advertising, Marketing, Business, Media, and The Mashies

Read more : Announcing the Finalists for The Mashies Awards

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