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Amazon’s Instant Video App Adds AirPlay Support For Streaming To Apple TV

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Amazon rolled out an update to its Instant Video application for iOS which now introduces support for AirPlay, allowing users to stream movie and TV content from Amazon’s service to Apple TV. The update should be well received by current Apple TV owners, who have yet to see a native Amazon Instant Video app for Apple TV become available – though the update has them hoping that such a thing may not be too far off in the future.

Amazon’s Instant Video app first launched for iOS on the iPad last summer, where it’s something of a Netflix alternative for Amazon Prime subscribers. Access to Amazon’s movie and TV library, today reaching over 40,000 streaming videos, and over 140,000 for rent or purchase, is bundled in with Amazon’s Prime memberships. This program also includes expedited shipping and access to the Kindle Lending Library.

Following the launch on iPad, the company later extended support for Instant Video on other Apple devices, like iPhone and iPod Touch at the end of 2012, when it made the service available on Roku and Samsung Smart TVs, as well. For those committed to Amazon’s service, that could have given Roku an edge over Apple TV when it came time to buy a set-top box.

In addition to today’s support for AirPlay, the company also launched improved IMDb integration, which has been expanded to include cast and director information, ratings, goofs, trivia, quotes, and customer reviews.

The move comes at a time when Amazon is rumored to be working on a set-top box of its own, according to reports from earlier this year. The box would also provide access to Amazon’s video services, including an Amazon Video on demand store. This, after the company failed in its attempts to acquire Roku, would position Amazon as an Apple TV competitor. However, Amazon has never been a company to shy away from making its services broadly available to those who don’t use its own hardware.

The updated Amazon Instant Video iOS app is available here in iTunes.

Also: thanks Amazon, but how about some Chromecast support, huh?

Read more : Amazon’s Instant Video App Adds AirPlay Support For Streaming To Apple TV

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