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Amazon Beefs Up Its Tablets With New Kindle Fire HDX

Amazon announced three new Kindle Fire tablets today as it prepares to push it device line towards the holiday shopping season. Kindle announced two brand new tablets—the Kindle Fire HDX in 7-inch and 8.9-inch varieties—along with an updated version of last year’s Kindle Fire HD.

Amazon also announced the third generation of its Fire OS (the forked version of Android that runs the Fire tablets), dubbed “Mojito.”

Amazon made the announcement with little fanfare. The company did not have a fancy launch event where CEO Jeff Bezos or any of his top lieutenants stood on stage to pose for cameras with the device. Amazon just quietly sent a press release overnight packed with information about the new Fire tablets.

The 7-inch Kindle Fire HDX is likely the flagship of the series. Amazon has given both sizes of the HDX tablets a significant bump in hardware specifications. Both HDX tablets will runs a Snapdragon quad-core 2.2 GHz processor with 2 GB of RAM and twice the memory of last year’s Kindle Fire HD tablets. Amazon has packed a Adreno 330 graphics processor into the HDX tablets for better image rendering that will help the tablets running higher powered games.

The screens on the 7-inch and 8.9-inch Fire HDX tablets also got a spec upgrade. The 7-inch version ships with 1920×1200 pixel dimensions, good for 323 pixels per square inch (ppi). The 8.9-inch Fire HDX runs a screen at 2560×1600 (339 ppi).

The Kindle Fire HDX 8.9-inch will also come with an 8-megapixel rear facing camera.

Amazon also has several new software and content features for the Kindle Fire HDX tablets. Foremost among them is the ability to download Amazon Prime Instant Video movies and television straight to the tablets for offline viewing. Previously, Prime Instant Video was only available for streaming through Kindle Fire tablets.

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