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5 Ways Google Glass Is Perfect For The Great Outdoors

More and more, I find myself using Glass in solitary settings rather than social ones. No, really.

For a dyed-in-the-wool gadget freak, I’m pretty outdoorsy, too — and gadgets and nature don’t always mix well. In my extensive testing of Glass on romps through the wilds, I’ve discovered that one of my favorite places to wear Glass is in that glorious expanse largely devoid of humankind: the great outdoors.

1. Forget Social Interruptions

Squinting into the wild

Squinting into the wild

Glass is like having a puppy—a really, really cute pitbull puppy. Everyone wants to stop and ask about it (in lieu of petting my face, happily). But they’re a little wary of it at the same time. Are you recording me right now? (No.) Is Google watching? (Probably.)

Standing in line for a cup of coffee can make me a captive audience for Random Stranger’s rant about Big Brother. Note to world: Complaining about Glass to Glass does not open a direct complaint box conduit to Google.

(See also: My Date With A Glasshole)

After that whole date with a glasshole thing, the initial charm has largely worn off and I can’t get away with as much when it comes to my inner social circle. And as for the outer social circle, I honestly just don’t have the time or energy to deal with curious strangers a lot of the time.

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