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15 Photos That Take You Up, Up and Away



For this week’s round of the Mashable Photo Challenge Guest Series, we wanted to see photos you took from high up in the air. We received more than 600 submissions, ranging from awe-inspiring shots of cities by day and by night, to overhead photographs of blue oceans and high-peak mountains.

“There was a healthy mix of building shots and photos taken from an aircraft,” guest curator Adam Senatori said. “I was impressed by the number of submissions and the enthusiasm! This theme definitely resonated with the audience.”

Senatori, a commercial photographer, selected his favorite 15 photographs to be featured in this post. “My selects were based on the key points I mentioned at the outset of the contest: use of shadows, time of day, mixing in buildings and aircraft as vantage points. I was also drawn to a number of submissions that had rich colors, use of window reflections and organic textures.” Read more…

More about Community, Photo, Photography, Social Media, and Mashable Photo Challenge Guest Series

Read more : 15 Photos That Take You Up, Up and Away

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