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12 Quotes That Prove Kermit the Frog Should Be Your Spirit Muppet



Jim Henson introduced the world to Kermit the Frog in 1955. The affable, kind, Muppet amphibian emulated Henson’s spirit and led a gaggle of googly-eyed crazies to come together to make the world a happier place.

Henson would have turned 77 this week — the Muppets creator died in 1990 at age 53 — but he lives on in the words of Kermit.

Even if you relate more to Animal’s crazy shenanigans or fancy yourself a Miss Piggy-like diva, Kermit deserves consideration as your spirit Muppet. Celebrate Henson‘s birthday and find your inner hog-loving frog with 12 Kermit the Frog quotes. Read more…

More about Lists, Quotes, Film, Muppets, and Jim Henson

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