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Twitter Hires Commerce Chief to Add Shopping



Twitter Inc. hired Nathan Hubbard, the former president of Ticketmaster, as its first head of commerce, part of a push to enable shopping via short postings on its social website.

Hubbard, 38, started at San Francisco-based Twitter this week, said Jim Prosser, a spokesman for the online social service. As commerce chief, Hubbard will report to Adam Bain, Twitter’s head of global revenue. Hubbard left Live Nation Entertainment Inc. (LYV)’s Ticketmaster unit earlier this month amid an overhaul of its online services.

Twitter is seeking new sources of revenue as it prepares for a potential initial public offering and targets $1 billion in 2014 sales. In its first foray into e-commerce, projected by Forrester Research Inc. (FORR) to be a $370 billion market in the U.S. by 2017, Twitter plans to offer retailers tools for selling goods and services inside tweets, Hubbard said in an interview. Read more…

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