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The Hills, Punk’d, Jersey Shore and more Viacom content is now available on LoveFilm in UK

LoveFilm fans in the UK that have been clamouring for their next hit of  shows like Jersey Shore, The Hills, Punk’d and a number of other Viacom-distributed titles need wait no longer following the news that LoveFilm has signed a deal with Viacom International Media Networks (VIMN) to bring them to UK viewers.

Announced today, the deal will see the addition of content from channels like MTV, Nickelodeon, Nick Jr. and Comedy Central come to the UK.

In addition to ushering shows like Jersey (and Geordie) Shore to the eyeballs of UK viewers, new content will also include child-oriented programming such as Dora the Explorer, Blue’s Clues and SpongeBob SquarePants, among others.

Read more : The Hills, Punk’d, Jersey Shore and more Viacom content is now available on LoveFilm in UK

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