You know what’s cooler than reading TechCrunch every day? Diving into startup culture head first by attending TechCrunch Disrupt SF. We’re excited to announce that New Relic is giving away eight coveted Disrupt SF tickets.
To try your luck, simply tweet a link to this article with the hashtag #NerdLife. Besides loving us, the New Relic team also tells me they love monitoring everything. That means they are also graciously giving away 10 Fitbit Flex wristbands. If you want one, all you have to do is sign up and deploy New Relic here. Once you do that, you will automatically be entered to win a Fitbit. And as a bonus, everyone who deploys New Relic will get a free Nerd Life t-shirt.
Now to review:
1) If you want a chance at winning one of the eight tickets to Disrupt SF, tweet this article using the #NerdLife hashtag.
2) If you want a chance to win one of the 10 Fitbit Flexes and get a free nerdy t-shirt (which I love by the way) then sign up and deploy New Relic here.
3) Cross your fingers. They will be choosing the winners next Tuesday, so be on the lookout for a congratulatory message.
Good luck, everyone, and we hope to see you at Disrupt SF!
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Read more : TechCrunch Giveaway: Win Disrupt SF Tickets And Fitbits From New Relic
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