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Siri Strikes Back at Google ‘OK Glass’ Commands



Siri is a bit passive aggressive — especially if you talk to her like she’s Google Glass.

Apple‘s handy personal assistant on iOS devices takes jabs at Google Glass if you say “OK Glass.” The “OK Glass” voice command prompts Google’s wearable smart glasses to act.

Try “OK Glass” with Siri and she isn’t too amused. “I’m not Glass. And I’m just fine with that,” Siri responded to my first attempt on an iPhone 5 running iOS 6. “I think you’ve got the wrong assistant,” she told me after my third attempt. She also got sassy about Glass’ ability to respond to a user’s blinks: “Just so you know, I don’t do anything when you blink at me.” Read more…

More about Apple, Personal Assistant, Siri, Ios, and Tech

Read more : Siri Strikes Back at Google ‘OK Glass’ Commands

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