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Paint a Picture for the Blind With MySmartEye



MySmartEye, a new initiative by Singapore’s local telecommunications company StarHub and developed by TribalDDB, is a mobile application that enables the visually impaired to be aware of their surroundings.

Through the app, the visually impaired will be able to take a picture and have it described via the built-in voice-over feature of their smartphones.

In order to describe the pictures, the app employs a micro-volunteering, or virtual-volunteering, program.

When a visually impaired user snaps a photo, it is automatically sent to the micro-volunteers’ smartphone, where the volunteer is then prompted to describe the image. The speed of the message transmission back to the visually impaired user depends on the volunteer’s response time. The app also allows the visually impaired user to check feedback on his or her image using motion and gesture prompts. Read more…

More about Apps, Photos, Mobile Application, Smartphone, and Pictures

Read more : Paint a Picture for the Blind With MySmartEye

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