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Italian Astronaut Recounts Near-Drowning in Spacesuit



An Italian astronaut who experienced a harrowing near-drowning inside his spacesuit during a spacewalk outside of the International Space Station is telling his story.

In a blog post last week, European Space Agency astronaut Luca Parmitano recounted the scary experience of feeling his spacesuit and helmet fill with water, as he floated outside of the space station on July 16. He also described the experience in a video in his own words, saying he felt like being a “goldfish inside a fish bowl.”

When the amount of water inside his spacesuit continued to increase, Mission Controllers on the ground terminated the scheduled 6.5-hour excursion after a little more than an hour. Read more…

More about Space, Nasa, Science, Space Station, and Astronaut

Read more : Italian Astronaut Recounts Near-Drowning in Spacesuit

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