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Introducing Disrupt Office Hours Where You Can Meet TC Writers And Editors

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There will be a very special booth at this year’s Disrupt conference in San Francisco – the Office Hours HQ where TC writers and editors will field your questions, look at your pitches, and chat on all things entrepreneurial. Darrell will also be there if you want to discuss Canada.

Office hours, at least for the first day, will exist on a first-in-first-out basis. We will man (and woman) the booth from 10am until 6pm and writers and editors will change on the hour. You can either pick your favorite writer and go over and chat or you can simply show up and talk. We’re ready and willing to hear all comers.

Do you have a pitch? Pare it down to about five minutes and be ready to show off your slides, iPad demos, and the like. We expect to have a full house and should be an interesting experiment. If things get too crowded we will schedule timeslots on the second and third days.

We’re excited to offer this fun opportunity and we hope to see you at Office Hours. Below is the full schedule.


  • 10:00 — John Biggs & Greg Kumparak
  • 11:00 — Alex Williams & Chris Velazco
  • 12:00 — Darrell Etherington & Natasha Lomas
  • 1:00 — Frederic Lardinois & Sarah Perez
  • 2:00 — Stephanie Yang & Ryan Lawler
  • 3:00 — Romain Dillet & Billy Gallagher
  • 4:00 — Mike Butcher & Josh Constine
  • 5:00 — Ingrid Lunden & Anthony Ha


  • 10:00 — Rip Empson & Kim-Mai Cutler
  • 11:00 – Stephanie Yang & Frederic Lardinois
  • 12:00 — Natasha Lomas & Eliza Brooke
  • 1:00 — Anthony Ha & Romain Dillet
  • 2:00 — Chris Velazco & Ryan Lawler
  • 3:00 — Billy Gallahger & Stephanie Yang
  • 4:00 – Alex Wilhelm & Greg Ferenstein
  • 5:00 — Sarah Perez & Alex Williams


  • 10:00 — Greg Ferenstein & Anthony Ha
  • 11:00 — John Biggs & Greg Kumparak
  • 12:00 — Matthew Panzarino & Alex Wilhelm
  • 1:00 — Darrell Etherington & Chris Velazco
  • 2:00 — Stephanie Yang & Rip Empson

(staffing and times are subject to change)

Read more : Introducing Disrupt Office Hours Where You Can Meet TC Writers And Editors

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