Two of the most famous celebrities of our time, Grumpy Cat and Lil Bub, were finally given the opportunity to meet Wednesday, during the Internet Cat Festival, currently being held in Minneapolis, Minn
Both cats tweeted Vine videos, along with adorable images of themselves mingling and strategizing world domination
Tardar Sauce (aka Grumpy) looks nonplussed by the whole affair (probably just trying to play it cool), and Bub looks slightly frightened at first (surely, just nerves). We’re predicting BFF status in a matter of hours
Beware though, what follows will turn you into a squealing puddle of fur: Read more…
More about Cats, Cute Animals, Vine, Kittens, and Watercooler
Read more : Grumpy Cat and Lil Bub Finally Meet, Hearts Melt
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