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GIFs Return to Facebook



GIF-lovers, rejoice: The web’s favorite animation form returned to Facebook on Thursday, thanks to GIF search engine Giphy.

Facebook supported GIFs in “the early days,” Giphy co-founder Alex Chung tells Mashable, but stopped supporting them presumably because “they didn’t want to look like a MySpace mess with all the blinking garbage on profile pages.”

Since then, the GIF has evolved from what Chung describes as “lame clip art” to “an art form.” Facebook doesn’t currently support GIFs. Giphy’s workaround is a native embed solution such that GIFs will animate full-size in the timeline on click. “To our knowledge, no one has previously offered this functionality,” a Giphy rep says Read more…

More about Facebook, Social Media, Gifs, and Giphy

Read more : GIFs Return to Facebook

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