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Final Call to Submit Your Best Digital Marketing Work for the Mashies



The final deadline to enter your best work for the Mashies is fast approaching, so make sure to submit your entries before you leave town for Labor Day. The deadline is Friday, Aug. 30, at 5 p.m.


The Mashies awards program celebrates the most innovative digital marketing campaigns. Our award categories range from “Best Digital Agency” to “Best Branded Vine” and cover a range of digital and social mediums in between.

To celebrate our winners and finalists, Mashable is hosting an awards ceremony on Oct. 10 at the Altman Building in New York City. Tickets will go on sale next week.

Award ceremony sponsorships are still available. Email for more information. Read more…

More about Advertising, Social Media, Digital Marketing, Business, and Marketing

Read more : Final Call to Submit Your Best Digital Marketing Work for the Mashies

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