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Facebook’s Global Mobile Ad Market Share to Triple This Year



Google claimed more than half of the $16.65 billion global ad market in 2012, but Facebook made some big gains as well, according to a new eMarketer report.

The search giant went from a 38.1% share in 2011 to 52.4% in 2012, eMarketer estimates. This year, Google’s share will increase slightly to 53.2%. Meanwhile, Facebook’s slice of the mobile ad market went from zero in 2011 to 5.3% in 2012. This year, the company will nearly triple that for a 15.8% share. Here’s the full breakdown:

Screen Shot 2013-08-28 at 9.37.47 AM

After going public in May 2012, Facebook’s stock took a dive due to concerns that the company’s mobile strategy wasn’t up to par. After putting a greater focus on mobile, Facebook reported in its second quarter in July that mobile advertising makes up 41% of its revenues. The news prompted a rebound in Facebook’s stock. The company’s stock recently topped to its IPO price and once again hit a $100 billion valuation. Read more…

More about Google, Facebook, Mobile Advertising, Business, and Advertising

Read more : Facebook’s Global Mobile Ad Market Share to Triple This Year

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