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‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ Series Hopes to Relaunch for iPad



As a kid, you may have spent hours selecting the fate of characters in the Choose Your Own Adventure book series. Today, the creators want to bring that same decision-making fun to kids in the digital age.

The Choose Your Own Adventures cartoon app, called “Choose ‘Toons” features interactive animations based on the original titles

In the first episode, users can build their own robot named “Gus” out of discarded parts. It has 20 story branches with 11 possible endings, providing more than 30 minutes of story-time animation. The iPad app is targeted towards younger readers, from ages 5 to 7 Read more…

More about Books, Videos, Ipad, Kickstarter, and Apps Software

Read more : ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ Series Hopes to Relaunch for iPad

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