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Android VP Hugo Barra Leaves Google for China’s Xiaomi



Hugo Barra, vice president of product management for Google’s Android division, has left the company for China-based smartphone maker Xiaomi

Barra confirmed the news himself on his Google+ account

“In a few weeks, I’ll be joining the Xiaomi team in China to help them expand their incredible product portfolio and business globally — as Vice President, Xiaomi Global,” he wrote

Barra’s departure leaves a big hole in Google’s Android division, especially after Android founder Andy Rubin left the division in March 2013. It’s currently not clear who will replace Barra

As for the reasons for Barra’s departure, a rumor claims a romantic relationship with another Googler might be to blame, though such info usually remains unconfirmed. Read more…

More about Google, Android, Business, Jobs, and Hugo Barra

Read more : Android VP Hugo Barra Leaves Google for China’s Xiaomi

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