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10gen Is Now MongoDB To Reflect Focus On NoSQL Database


10gen is changing its name to MongoDB, the NoSQL technology that it developed and supports. The company said in an announcement of the news that the name unifies the open-source database project with the company behind it. The change is effective immediately.

MongoDB is a widely recognized document-based database that launched in 2007 under the 10gen umbrella as a platform for an open-source cloud that it had originally planned to build. The company later decided to focus on MongoDB and has since been largely associated with the name and database technology. With this change, CEO Dwight Merriman said their goal is to get the names back into alignment.

The MongoDB project, and its community website, are unaffected by this change. 10gen will change its corporate website from to

This helps a lot. The 10gen name always confused matters. The company can now leverage the product with its corporate branding, which does have its benefits.

In the meantime, the NoSQL movement is growing exponentially, as data becomes the core driver for business. Relational databases still dominate, but they were designed for the client/server age and not meant to process terabytes of information, which is increasingly becoming the norm rather than the exception.

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