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10 Remarkable Posthumously Published Novels




If the reports are true, and J.D. Salinger’s estate is set to release five never-before-seen novels by the famously reclusive author, the literary world may be set to receive its biggest posthumous bounty since Emily Dickinson’s sister happened upon that trunk full of poems. As many have long suspected, Salinger may soon join the long, illustrious line of novelists’ whose work continues to emerge long after they depart this world.

Here are 10 of the most remarkable posthumously published novels in history:

A Death in the Family

By James Agee

An autobiographical novel aimed at understanding his own father’s death, the ironically titled A Death in the Family was seven years in the making but still incomplete when James Agee died in 1955. Two years later, it was published to alleviate the financial strain Agee’s family faced—and then went on to win the 1958 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction. Read more…

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