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If Dell Is Focusing On Enterprise, Why Is It Sponsoring A YouTube Lollapalooza Live Stream?

Screen Shot 2012-08-03 at 9.39.10 AM

Lollapalooza starts today and if you can’t make it, YouTube has got your back–they’re streaming it live from Chicago. The YouTube streaming is sponsored by Dell, an odd choice for a music festival, but a good way for Dell to reach a younger, wider audience than most of its current users.

Looking at the YouTube page’s ads (which are entirely Dell by design, not random chance), you can see Dell hawking its Ultrabook and offering an Xbox to anyone who buys a PC (a classic Apple-competitor move).

This would be a good strategy if Dell was still fighting for the consumer market.

But wait–for the past six months, Dell has been telling us “we’re no longer a PC company” and that they are focusing on enterprise.

So, now this ad campaign makes a bit less sense. Like zero sense.

Luckily, you don’t have to understand Dell’s marketing strategy to enjoy the live stream, though.

I’ll be sitting in the back of our Crunchup all day with my headphones in watching indie bands who all look like Josh Constine.

Read more : If Dell Is Focusing On Enterprise, Why Is It Sponsoring A YouTube Lollapalooza Live Stream?

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