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Come Hear From Silicon Valley Legend Reid Hoffman At Disrupt SF This September


We are excited to announce that Reid Hoffman is the next special guest to join our incredible lineup for Disrupt SF. During his two decades in Silicon Valley, he has helped build seminal Silicon Valley companies of our time, including PayPal and LinkedIn, and invested in dozens of others including Digg, Facebook, Flickr,, Ning, Six Apart and Zynga. He now leads top venture firm Greylock Partners.

Meanwhile, our Disrupt speaker roster is getting packed. We’ll also be hosting new Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer, TechCrunch founder Michael Arrington, Jessica Alba and Brian Lee, Vinod Khosla, super angel Ron Conway, Ben Horowitz, Marc Benioff, Kevin Rose, San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee, and many others. You can view the full list of speakers so far here. Stay tuned for more announcements.

Come join us by getting your tickets to Disrupt SF here!

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, opportunities can be found here.

Reid Hoffman
Executive Chairman of LinkedIn
Partner at Greylock Partners

Reid Hoffman is Executive Chairman of LinkedIn Corporation and a Partner at Greylock Partners. In 2003, he co-founded LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional networking service, in his living room. LinkedIn has more than 161 million members in 200 countries and territories around the world. Reid led LinkedIn through its first four years and to profitability as CEO and Chairman.

Reid joined Greylock Partners in 2009. Reid currently serves on the boards of Airbnb, Edmodo, Mozilla (Firefox), Shopkick, Swipely, Wrapp, and Zynga and has co-led investments in, Groupon, and Viki. Reid also leads the Greylock Discovery Fund, which invests in seed stage entrepreneurs and companies. The fund is an extension of Reid’s prior angel investing, which included Facebook, Flickr,, and Zynga. Reid focuses on the consumer Internet broadly, including marketplaces, networks, and platforms. Prior to LinkedIn and Greylock, Reid served as executive vice president at PayPal, where he was also a founding board member.

Reid believes strongly in the ability for entrepreneurship and technology to improve the world. Reid serves on the boards of,,, and Reid also co-authored the best-selling book The Startup of You: Adapt to the Future, Invest in Yourself, and Transform Your Career.

Reid earned a Master’s degree in Philosophy from Oxford University, where he was a Marshall Scholar, as well as a Bachelor’s degree with distinction in Symbolic Systems from Stanford University. Reid is also the recipient of an SD Forum Visionary Award in 2010 and was named both a Henry Crown Fellow by The Aspen Institute and an Endeavor Entrepreneur of the Year in 2011.

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