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Yo Forbes, Fuck You

Forbes Fuck

TechCrunch is currently missing <%=Fucks%> to give Forbes, according to Brian Caulfield. We expect to add more into our posts in <%=deadline%>

Responds our more serious than me co-editor Eric Eldon, ”Our disappointing F-Bomb second quarter 2012 financial results and outlook for the third quarter 2012 illustrates that our F-Bomb business continues to be in the midst of transition. Within our F-Bomb business unit, we have established early momentum with F-Bomb+, and we are increasing our investments in F-Bomb+ to achieve market success.”

I have no idea what the fuck that means because there are numbers in there. Even if I did understand what that meant, I probably wouldn’t give a fuck anyways.

Also, TechCrunch Disrupt SF. Also also, TechCrunch CrunchUp/August Capital Party. 

TechCrunch, fuck yeah.

Read more : Yo Forbes, Fuck You

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