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Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer On Stage At TechCrunch Disrupt San Francisco


It was May 2010 and all I wanted was an answer to my question, “What is Yahoo?” Then Yahoo CEO Carol Bartz wasn’t able to answer that question. But the conversation was…lively anyway.

TechCrunch wants to try this again, and newly minted Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer and I have both agreed. I’ll interview her at TechCrunch Disrupt in San Francisco, coming up in just a few weeks.

My guess is she’ll have her feet wet enough at Yahoo to be able to really talk about the challenges and opportunities for the company, and where she’ll be leading it. She’ll probably even answer that question I asked Carol Bartz two years ago.

Mayer will also be judging the final round of the startup competition at Disrupt. She’s been a finalist judge as long as TechCrunch has had conferences. But given her new job, it’s particularly thoughtful that she’d take the time to continue to mentor these startups.

As for me, well, TechCrunch invited me back again to participate in the event. I’ll do a few on stage interviews and participate in the startup competition.

My primary goal is to do great interviews and have interesting conversations. And there’s little downside – I doubt Marissa will break down and swear at me like Bartz did (which was all in fun, trust me). And It’s not like Pando Daily can fire me twice (can they?).

This’ll be great. See you there.

Get your tickets here.

Read more : Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer On Stage At TechCrunch Disrupt San Francisco

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