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We’re Having A Party, And There Will Be A Tiger, A Monkey And Snoop Lion (Not Really)


Guys, guys, so because everybody obviously wants to party with Josh Constine, tickets to the TechCrunch annual summer party at August Capital are sold out.

In case you want a backdoor way in, don’t know a guy and don’t want to scale the fence, our Facebook Ecosystem CrunchUp tickets are still on sale, though we’ve only got a few left so yeah, roll the dice.

In addition to giving you a pass to what promises to be a very intellectually stimulating CrunchUp, the tix offer you entrance to our Sand Hill Road shindig, a get-together which, in accordance with typical Silicon Valley party fare, we’re unofficially calling “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Monkey.”

Okay, so while there won’t be any live animals, or even Snoop Lion (née Dogg) there will be TechCrunch writers and editors and a gaggle of other VIP Valley peeps whom you’ll find fun to drink with.

Here comes the hard sell: Get your tickets now.

The Facebook Ecosystem CrunchUp will be at the Fox Theater in Redwood City from 1pm – 5pm and include  speakers such as Facebook’s Director of Developer Products Doug Purdy, VP of Engineering Mike Schroepfer, Director of Product Management Peter Deng, Vice President of Engineering & Products Greg Badros, Mathieu Nouzareth from SongPop, Joe Zadeh from Airbnb, and just introduced today, David Lieb from Bump Technologies and Matthaus Krzykowski from Xyologic.

After the chats, product tours, panels and breaks, there will be a Office Hours and Happy Hour with Facebook where you will get the the chance to be drunk with people from Facebook. And me!

The Summer Capital after-party happens between 5:30pm – 9pm at August Capital and is one of the most anticipated summer parties of the year. Hot night wind was blowing, where you think you’re going baby? August Capital.

Click to view slideshow.

Agenda is below. See you there.

Facebook Ecosystem CrunchUp

12:00 PM Registration and Lunch

1:00 PM Welcome

1:10 PM Fireside Chat with Mike Schroepfer – Vice President of Engineering – Facebook

1:40 PM Product Tour – Peter Deng – Director of Product Management – Facebook

1:55 PM Panel: Designing and Growing A Modern Mobile App

2:20 PM Break

2:40 PM Product Tour – Doug Purdy – Director of Developer Products- Facebook

3:05 PM Panel: What’s Next For Facebook’s Platform

3:30 PM Panel: Social Ads: What’s Working, What’s Not, and Where’s Everyone Else?

4:00 PM Office Hours and Happy Hour with Facebook

August Capital Summer Party

5:30 – 9 PM Join us for another fantastic event with networking, drinks and fun at August Capital, 2480 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park CA

Read more : We’re Having A Party, And There Will Be A Tiger, A Monkey And Snoop Lion (Not Really)

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