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Welcome Glass Explorers: Google Will Host Special Events & Hangouts For Those With Project Glass Pre-Orders


Google’s Project Glass made quite a splash at I/O last month. Besides stunning the audience with a skydiving demo of Glass, Google also allowed those developers who attended the company’s annual developer conference to exclusively pre-order the $1,500 Google Glass Explorer Edition. These first alpha versions of Glass are only scheduled to ship early next year, but according to an email the Project Glass team just sent to everybody who pre-ordered the devices, the company plans to involve this early tester community before the devices ship as well. Google, the email says, will post exclusive content for those with pre-orders on Google+ and also invite them to special events and Google+ Hangouts with the Glass Team.

Here is the email:

In the first of these private posts on Google+, Google co-founder Sergey Brin notes that he looks forward to ” to hearing about your magical moments with Glass.” He also shared that he is currently testing “a new mode of Glass which automatically takes a picture every 10 seconds without any distraction or disruption.” The idea behind Glass, Brin reiterated, is to let you “enjoy and share life’s moments without being tied down by technology.”

So far, the only Glass features Google has shared publicly involve taking pictures and streaming video. Except for its simulated demo video, Google hasn’t shared any information about what this experience will look like. Our own Peter Ha got to wear Brin’s set of Google Glass at I/O and saw what Brin admitted was an old demo of an AR application running on Glass.

Despite the fact that we still know very little about Glass, it’s good to see that Google is already actively looking for input from its developer and early adopter community even before the first batch of devices is ready to ship.

Read more : Welcome Glass Explorers: Google Will Host Special Events & Hangouts For Those With Project Glass Pre-Orders

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