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Twitter Apologizes For Conflict Of Interest, Pointing Out Olympics Tweet To NBC


Twitter posted an explanation and apology on their blog regarding the Guy Adams/NBC debacle.

“That said, we want to apologize for the part of this story that we did mess up,” the post reads. “The team working closely with NBC around our Olympics partnership did proactively identify a Tweet that was in violation of the Twitter Rules and encouraged them to file a support ticket with our Trust and Safety team to report the violation, as has now beenĀ reported publicly. Our Trust and Safety team did not know that part of the story and acted on the report as they would any other.”

The statement confirms earlier reports that Twitter alerted NBC of the tweet, and not vice versa, as was originally reported.

The blog post begins by explaining the context and Twitter’s Terms of Service and private information policy.

“If we receive a notice from the complainant rescinding their original complaint, the account is unsuspended,” the post reads. Earlier today, I reported that NBC rescinded its complaint against Adams, leading to his account being reactivated.

For the record, now NBC has released a statement, Adams has written a post about it and Twitter has posted about the incident. Anyone else want to chime in?

Read more : Twitter Apologizes For Conflict Of Interest, Pointing Out Olympics Tweet To NBC

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