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Texting Overtakes Talking in the UK [STUDY]

UK residents are more likely to send a text than make a phone call when communicating with friends and family, according to a new study.

Of the 1,980 UK adults included in Ofcom’s ninth annual communications survey, 59% said they use text messsages at least once per day to communicate with friends and family, followed by face-to-face meetings (49%), voice calls (47%), social networking (32%) and email (30%).

It’s not the way people would prefer to keep in touch, the study suggests — it’s simply the most convenient. The majority (67%) said they prefer face-to-face meetings over other forms of communication by a vast margin; voice calls followed at 20%, and only 5% said they prefer to…
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More About: Mobile, SMS, texting, uk

Read more : Texting Overtakes Talking in the UK [STUDY]

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