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SnapKnot Relaunches With A Pinterest-Style Layout To Connect Brides With Photographers


The wedding space is blowing up here in tech, and for one very obvious reason. Almost everything about planning a wedding is pretty ancient. People build out complicated spreadsheets for their guest list, they are forced to search high and low for ways to spread around photos and invite-type information, and searching for vendors is about as accurate as doing a Google search for wedding photographers.

But the technology is catching up to the process, especially on that last point about photographers, as SnapKnot. has undergone a major update to make sure brides have the very best images of their big day to look back on. SnapKnot has always made it easy for brides to search for photographers by location and budget. But what about the pictures themselves?

In the latest version of SnapKnot, the user is welcomed to the site with a Pinterest-style layout. So now, not only can brides search by budget and location, but they can search through photographers’ photos to see which style fits the happy couple best. This gives the photographers a little extra exposure and marketing, and allows the bride to narrow down her photographer selection by something more than budget or location.

SnapKnot has also integrated with Facebook to loop in any members of the bridal party that may help with planning or decision-making. This allows the bride and her team of lovely ladies to interact with the photographer and explain what look they’re aiming for. In fact, SnapKnot lets the bride and co. save their favorite photos on the site so that the photographer can see the type of shots the bride wants.

Finally, wedding guests and family members can be invited by the bride to check out all the photos from the big day as the photographer uploads them to SnapKnot. Mind you, this is a separate process from the photographer’s profile and marketing strategy. While the photographer can choose to upload one or two photos of your wedding to add to his or her profile, the entirety of your wedding album will remain private to only those you’ve invited.

The service is totally free to brides (as they’ll be paying the photographer anyway), but photographers can choose from tiered pricing depending on how many photos they want up, how many cities they want to market to, etc. Luckily for you wonderful readers, SnapKnot has been nice enough to give away one month free on their most expensive package, the $50 unlimited Diamond package (new Diamond members only). Just use the promo code TECHCRUNCH2.

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Read more : SnapKnot Relaunches With A Pinterest-Style Layout To Connect Brides With Photographers

Posted in Startups, Web.

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