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Samsung Preparing To Reveal “Newest Galaxy Device” On August 15

samsung headquarters

Here’s a little something to get the ol’ rumor mill churning before the weekend — Samsung has just sent out a save-the-date email for a “major” product announcement on August 15. Samsung goes on to say that the company will unveil its “newest GALAXY device,” though exactly what that’s going to be is left infuriatingly vague.

Of course, that won’t stop me from hazarding a few guesses.

The company’s long-awaited Galaxy Note 10.1 tablet seems like a strong possibility, considering that Samsung has been reportedly tinkering with its design and internals since it first popped up at this year’s Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. Reports from earlier in the year also pointed to a handful of Galaxy S III variants that would hit the market during the latter parts of 2012, but for what it’s worth, I don’t think there have been enough leaks to make that possibility a strong one right now.

And who could forget the possibility of a Galaxy Note 2? Rumors of a new Note handheld with a slightly larger screen have been making the rounds recently, and it’s reportedly being prepped for an August debut. Granted, the device was said to be making its official debut at the IFA trade show in Germany, but it’s possible that Samsung will be holding another event stateside to let we members of the tech press get some hands-on time.


Read more : Samsung Preparing To Reveal “Newest Galaxy Device” On August 15

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