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Report: Rich People Prefer iThings


Remember that one time MG compared the iPhone 4S to a Mercedes and the Galaxy Nexus to a Honda and the Internet exploded? Well, it would seem that the division of classes (with regards to gadgetry) wasn’t too far off.

According to a report by Spectrem Group, people with more money prefer iThings. For example, among users with a net worth exceeding $100K, the iPhone and iPad have the greatest market share, at 46 percent and 53 percent respectively. Android comes in second within this group, with a 34 percent share in phones and a 16 percent share going to the Kindle Fire.

And the wealthier they get, the more they heart Apple. Among users that net more than $1 million, the iPhone grabs even more of a market share at 48 percent, compared to a 33 percent market share for Android phones.

And if you think the iPhone is loved by the one percent, then the iPad is clearly a must-have, with a 61 percent market share among the million dollar club. Meanwhile, the Kindle Fire drops another point in this bracket.

But let’s take it a step further — perhaps the ultra-super-duper-Daddy-Warbucks rich prefer Android? Nope.

Spectrem Group reports that the iPhone takes a 59 percent market share among those with a net worth exceeding $5 million, while the iPad strangely falls to a 57 percent share. Even more strange, Android’s tablet market share doesn’t grow. The Kindle Fire drops down to a 7 percent share to tie with Barnes & Noble’s Nook with Internet (we believe the LA Times is referring to both the Nook Color and Nook Tablet here). In the phone department, only 25 percent of the market (whose net worth is at least $5 million, of course) own an Android.

[via LA Times]

Read more : Report: Rich People Prefer iThings

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