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PR Done Right: Facebook Engineer Apologizes On Reddit For Blocking Imgur Links

Screen Shot 2012-07-16 at 10.35.23 PM

Facebook software engineer Matt Jones has taken to Reddit to apologize to users for accidentally blocking popular image hosting site Imgur while working to catch malicious URLs. The image below was posted by Redditer “AmericanDerp” and was upvoted 2,469 times with 663 comments in the past five hours.

While I have not been able to confirm with Facebook or Jones that he is indeed Reddit user “fisherrider,” Jones’ Twitter account is @fisherrider and he tweeted about the incident forty minutes ago.

Comments on the Reddit thread initially ranged from “this is how facebook dies” to more illustrative takes on the issue. However, once Jones posted his apology, users praised him for “PR done right.”

Fisher’s dog (the imgur link at the end of his post) righteously approves of the apology.

Read more : PR Done Right: Facebook Engineer Apologizes On Reddit For Blocking Imgur Links

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