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Over iPhone App Launches To Make Adding Beautiful Typography To Pictures Fun And Easy

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Photo editing apps are pretty popular, which is pretty obvious when you see things like Facebook’s $1 billion acquisition of Instagram. But there’s a ton of them, so sorting through the various capabilities can be taxing. That’s why it’s great to see apps like Over, which just launched to enable users to quickly and easily add beautiful typography to photos. Because you know, it’s all about doing one thing and doing it really well.

Unlike other photo-editing apps, which let users add filters to make their photos look old-fashioned or fancy or whatever, Over is focused pretty much entirely on adding whatever text they want to photos. The Over app lets you take a photo or pull one from your camera roll, add whatever text you want, then choose from various different fonts and sizes, add tint, and adjust the alignment of the text. When all that is done, you can save the edited photo to your camera roll or share it out to various other social networks, including Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and (surprise!) even Instagram.

Over was created by UX designer and Social Media Explorer Chief Product Officer Aaron Marshall, and has a pretty straightforward monetization strategy. Unlike other free apps, Over costs $1.99 to download, and also includes in-app purchases of additional fonts that can be ‘unlocked’ for $0.99.

“The main reason I’m charging two bucks is I have a family and I’d like to keep them,” Marshall says. That includes a beautiful adopted son, whose college fund apparently depends on the app becoming a hit.

Anyway, I’m just a big fan of guys who release their own apps without any big plans for raising venture funding or going huge, just sort of putting it out there and hoping to make some extra cash off of it. So best of luck to Marshall. And hey, if you’re a fan of typography and adding funny sayings to your photos, you should go download it.

After all, it’ll be a few years before Zurich makes it to school, and college tuition isn’t getting any cheaper.

Read more : Over iPhone App Launches To Make Adding Beautiful Typography To Pictures Fun And Easy

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